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KRUS-Zapad Company produces CK-TERM industrial electrical heat tracing (EHT) systems using high-end technology, top grade materials, and a proprietary software package.
KRUS-Zapad Company relies on these resources to perform full-scale design, engineering, generation and implementation of heat tracing solutions for floors and open areas.
Heating of floors and open platforms means snow-free space and prevented icing hazard. Along with its principal function, EHT is capable of handling many more associated issues that arise in cold seasons, i.e.:
personnel safety;
lower road accident rate;
longer life of heated surfaces due to removal of snow load;
cost savings in snow removal machines.
Floor heating may also be useful to prevent precipitate freezing in oil receivers and other equipment. Floor heat tracing is a must for open air platforms, pumping houses and other facilities subject to precipitations.
Operation Concept
A СК-TERM series floor EHT system is based on the following concept:
heating cable control using temperature sensors or thermostats (using constant wattage heating cables);
use of a self-regulating heating cable;
proportional control heat tracing capability.
In temperature sensing versions, EHT lines are controlled from a control panel or device, while the system has a temperature setting capability for each individual line. If thermostats are used, then EHT lines are controlled by setting the temperature setpoint in the device of each line or one group of lines.
A self-regulation heating cable is used to ensure adequate floor heat tracing in cold seasons and precludes any overheating risks due to a semiconductor element.
Proportional control heat tracing capability means controlling EHT lines based on variable calculations to ensure adequate heat generation required for heating.
EHT turns on at ambient temperatures below +5°С, or subject to the temperature settings in the temperature sensor and thermostat versions.