Instrument Cabinets

Our Customers Who Placed Confidence in Us


free-icon-badge-1727745.png High efficiency

free-icon-screwdriver-988663.png Maintenance free

free-icon-like-492930.png Rational use of cabinet space with adopted heater design

ruble1 — копия.png Power savings

free-icon-save-energy-5360505.png Small weight

floor.png Homogeneous heat distribution


импульсные линии 17.08 нов обогрев без фона.pngKRUS-Zapad Company produces CK-TERM industrial electrical heat tracing (EHT) systems using high-end technology, top grade materials, and a proprietary software package.

KRUS-Zapad Company relies on these resources to perform full-scale design, engineering, generation and implementation of solutions, including for instrument cabinet heat tracing.

Process equipment used in the oil and gas industry cannot run in low-temperature ambient conditions unless the instrument cabinets are properly heat traced. Heat tracing protects against freezing, prevents condensation and solidification of fluids. Heat tracing done on instrument cabinets will secure the best operation and process conditions contributing to a longer run life.

Electronics cabinets like automation, control or instrument cabinets are often installed in badly heated rooms or even outdoors. The only way around this problem is to use a СК-TERM series EHT system that will guarantee freezing protection of instrument cabinets and instruments mounted close to or on the piping. For jobs like that, KRUS-Zapad Company considers all specific features of the equipment to select appropriate components.

Operation Concept


The operation concept of a СК-TERM series EHT system for instrumentation and instrument cabinet applications is based on using a self-regulating heating cable and special CK-TN heaters from KRUS-Zapad Company. An instrument cabinet heater consists of a rectangular metal box accommodating a heating cable to provide instrument heating in cold weather; it does not require any additional temperature sensing and precludes any overheating risks due to a semiconductor element.

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