Special Heat Tracing

Our Customers Who Placed Confidence in Us


free-icon-badge-1727745.png Efficiency - heat tracing is homogeneous

free-icon-screwdriver-988663.png Easy to install – reduced manhours as compared to steam tracing

free-icon-like-492930.png Safety – power lines protected with 30 mA RCCBs and circuit breakers

free-icon-manufacturing-1814432.png   Easy to operate – self-test automation systems are used

free-icon-automation-2103686.png Automation – remote system control and self-diagnostics

premium-icon-project-management-3286758.png  Reliability – EHT service life is at least 25 years



KRUS-Zapad Company produces CK-TERM industrial electrical heat tracing (EHT) systems using high-end technology, top grade materials, and a proprietary software package. Our solutions have found use in the regions of Extreme North, oil refineries and gas processing plants, pulp and paper and chemical industry, in oil and gas fields, and many other facilities.

KRUS-Zapad Company is highly experienced in handling nontypical heat tracing challenges and assures prompt and good project delivery while complying with the customer specifications.

Special heat tracing solutions serve to address heat tracing challenges for air, road and maritime transport, seaports, and airfields.

For special heat tracing projects, we consider all specific features of the facility concerned to select appropriate components.

Operation Concept


A СК-TERM series EHT system by KRUS-Zapad Company is based on the following concept :

  • heating cable control using temperature sensors or thermostats (using constant wattage heating cables);

  • use of a self-regulating heating cable;

  • proportional control heat tracing capability.

Heating cables remain operational throughout the entire specified temperature range (process (including for steam-out), ambient) indefinitely, with a 20 °C safety margin and have a chemical resistant jacket. Steam-out facilities require cables resistant to regular exposure to temperatures of 250 °С and higher.  A self-regulating heating cable does not require any additional controls and is capable of temperature regulation due to a semiconductor element.

Constant wattage heating cables and cold tails are fluoropolymer insulated and fluoropolymer jacketed (for exposures to temperatures below 260 °С), and mineral insulated and Alloy 825 jacketed (for exposures to temperatures above 260 °С). Mineral insulated cable sections are delivered in a pre-fab form (with cold tails and entry glands), X-proof and laser-welded, and certified as a single product.

In temperature sensing versions, EHT lines are controlled from a control panel or device. The system has a temperature setting capability for each individual line. If thermostats are used, then each EHT line or a group of EHT lines are controlled by setting the temperature setpoint in the device itself.

Proportional control heat tracing capability means controlling EHT lines based on variable calculations to make up for heat losses which are subject to ambient conditions.

Moreover, EHT line control methods may optionally be combined or used in conjunction.

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